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The sun setting behind some clouds. The edges of the clouds are brightly lit. Trees are silhouetted along the horizon. Taken in the salt marsh in Newbury, Massachusetts (US).


The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California at sunset.

"Golden Gate"

Sunset over the marsh in Newbury, Massachusetts.

"Marsh Sunset"

Taken a few minutes after the sun set dropped below the horizon.

"Sun Set"

A cloud lit by the sun which had already dropped below the horizon. The tree line is in silhouette, but there is still some color left in the field in the foreground. Taken in Appleton Farms in Ipswich, Massachusetts (US).

"Sunset Cloud"

Sunset silhouette of several leafless trees at the end of winter.


A colorful scene in the salt marsh in Rowley, Massachusetts (US) about 15 minutes after the sun set. The tide was going out, so the tidal pools were not full. The flowers silhouetted in the foreground are Goldenrod.

"Marsh Sunset"

A small boat, the moon, and several seagulls in the sunset at low tide in Provincetown, Massachusetts (US).

"Low Tide Sunset"

The eastern sky around sunset at the beach in Wells, Maine.

"Beach Sunset"

The eastern sky during sunset on the beach in Wells, ME (US)

"Wells Beach Sunset"

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