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Ron's Old Site

The sun setting behind some clouds. The edges of the clouds are brightly lit. Trees are silhouetted along the horizon. Taken in the salt marsh in Newbury, Massachusetts (US).


The moon rising over grass on a sand dune on the Cape Cod National Seashore (Massachusetts, US). The grass was being whipped around by the wind.

"Beach Moonrise"

Clouds over Arizona on the approach to the Phoenix International Airport.

"Clouds over Arizona"

Dark, stormy clouds reflected in the water of the Newbury salt marsh (Newbury, Massachusetts US).

"Reflections of a Stormy Sky"

Taken a few minutes after the sun set dropped below the horizon.

"Sun Set"

Sunset silhouette of several leafless trees at the end of winter.


A colorful scene in the salt marsh in Rowley, Massachusetts (US) about 15 minutes after the sun set. The tide was going out, so the tidal pools were not full. The flowers silhouetted in the foreground are Goldenrod.

"Marsh Sunset"

Looking up at an old barn on a summer day.

"Sky Barn"

Storm clouds behind the war memorial in Pine Grove Cemetary, Lynn, MA (US).

"War Clouds"

A small boat, the moon, and several seagulls in the sunset at low tide in Provincetown, Massachusetts (US).

"Low Tide Sunset"

The eastern sky around sunset at the beach in Wells, Maine.

"Beach Sunset"

The eastern sky during sunset on the beach in Wells, ME (US)

"Wells Beach Sunset"

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