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Dark, stormy clouds reflected in the water of the Newbury salt marsh (Newbury, Massachusetts US).

"Reflections of a Stormy Sky"

A small pile of balanced rocks found on a hilltop in the woods of Essex, Massachusetts (US).


A fern on a lichen covered fallen branch in the woods of Maudsley State Park in Newburyport, Massachusetts (US).

"Fern on Branch"

A small waterfall that passes under a fallen tree and empties into a pool. This is in Franconia Notch in New Hampshire (US).


A large fallen tree across a steep section of a stream which runs down Canon Mountain in New Hampshire (US).


Colorful red and black butterfly sitting on a bunch of white flowers.


Colorful butterfly hanging on to a plant.


A small ridge in the snow formed by a steady wind. This was near sunset, so the sun was at a very low angle

"Snow Ridge"

The curve of the beach grass echos the curves of the settling snow. Taken on the beach at Plum Island, Massachusetts (US) in the early evening. The dim conditions account for the blueish color of the snow and helped the lines stand out more.

"Snow and Grass Curves"

The Marsh Trail portion of the Hellcat Trail in the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island in Massachusetts (US). This time of year, the reeds in the salt marsh are almost already black and white.


Fallen autumn leaf on a damp stone.

"Yellow Leaf on Rock"

The sun shining through autumn leaves. I liked the colors and the shadows of one leaf in front of another


A small plant just starting out. It is growing at the base of a lichen-covered pine tree in the Beech Forest at the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts (US). Even though the plan was only a few inches tall, it already had autumn colors.

"Starting Out"

Autumn leaf on a lichen and moss covered log in the woods. Full frame shot. Levels adjusted and slight sharpening.

"Yellow Leaf"

A section of the Ipswich River (Massachusetts, US) in the autumn. A slow shutter speed blurred the moving water. There is rushing water and bright yellow and green leaves.

"Ipswich River in Autumn"

Full frame shot taken in the woods behind my house. There weren't many leaves left on the trees at the time. The ones on the ground make an interesting background when out of focus.


A group of bright yellow mushrooms growing among the fallen leaves and branches. The bright color contrasted nicely with the dark browns of the oak leaves.

"Yellow Mushrooms"

An orange capped mushroom growing through the leaf litter on the forest floor.

"Orange Cap"

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