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Ron's Old Site

An old stone wall running through Appleton Farm in Ipswich, MA (US). The rocky soil of New England gave early farmers plenty of material for building these walls. They can be seen in almost any wooded area in the region. There is a thick foreground of dead oak leaves. Taken shortly after sunset.

"New England Wall - I"

A small section of bark peeling from a White Birch tree. Taken in Newburyport, Massachusetts (US). The White Birch is also known as Paper Birch because of the way the bark peels in large, thin sections.

"Birch Bark"

A birch tree with an ice covered pond in the background. Taken late on a cloudy day in Lynn Woods, Lynn, Massachusetts (US).

"Birch Tree"

Tightly closed Iris buds in my small flower garden. The aperature setting allowed me to throw the background completely out of focus.

"Iris Buds"

An open flower and a flower bud on a lichen-covered fruit tree.

"Tree Flower"

A lone harbor seal who hauled himself onto the beach to enjoy a sunny day. The sun was setting behind the sand dunes when I took this shot. Parker River Wildlife Sanctuary, Plum Island, Newbury, Massachusetts (US).

"Harbor Seal"

This is a male Eider Duck. The Eider is a sea duck famous for its soft down. Taken in Gloucester, Massachusetts (US).

"Eider Duck"

The distinctive heart-shaped face of the Barn Owl directs sound to the hunter\'s ears. It uses its hearing to hunt its prey. The fuzzy trailing edges of its wings allow the owl to fly silently.

"Barn Owl"

The Bald Eagle is the national symbol of the United States of America. What is surprising is that this majestic bird was almost hunted and polluted out of existense.

"National Symbol"

Sunset silhouette of several leafless trees at the end of winter.


A broken sand dollar on the beach of the Parker River Wildlife Sanctuary in Massachusetts.

"Half Dollar"

A close of up the body of the Blue Morpho butterfly. This butterfly has wings with bright blue top surfaces and brown and yellow spotted bottom surfaces. This view clearly shows the red and yellow hairs on its body. Cool temperatures kept this speciment perfectly still for a series of shots.

"Blue Morpho Body"

This Banded Orange butterfly is native to Central and South America.

"Banded Orange"

A Banded Orange butterfly, a native of Central and South America rests on a flower.

"Orange on Blue"

A yellow and red tulip growing in the Friends of Horticulture Science Center at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA (US).

"Tulip #1"

A red tulip growing in the Friends of Horticulture Science Center at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA (US).

"Tulip #2"

A tulip a day or two before it opened. Taken with a diffuser to the right and a reflector to the left of the flower.

"Tulip #3"

A bright yellow iris in the garden next to my house. Taken after a morning rain.

"Yellow Iris"

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