Category: Nature - Oldest First

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Ron's Old Site

A closeup of the back of a leaf resting on moss. Taken with a macro lens and extension tubes in Lynn Woods on January 6th, 2007 when it was 69 degrees - an all-time record.


Yellowed autumn ferns in the woods. Taken in Lynn Woods, Lynn, Massachusetts (US).

"Autumn Ferns"

Colorful autumn leaves and berries on a fallen log.

"Autumn Log"

A portion of the Lower Ammonoosuc Falls near Carroll, NH. Taken under heavy clouds in a light summer rain.


"Lower Ammonoosuc Falls"

The eastern sky around sunset at the beach in Wells, Maine.

"Beach Sunset"

Closeup of the water running through Lower Ammonoosuc Falls in New Hampshire (US).

"Rushing Water"

The eastern sky during sunset on the beach in Wells, ME (US)

"Wells Beach Sunset"

A small mushroom growing from a hole in a decaying, fallen tree. The tiny mushroom is feeding on the body of the giant.

"Life and Death"

Acorns resting in the hollow of an old, decayed log.

"Young and Old"

This 80 foot cascade is along the Falling Waters trail in Franconia Notch, NH (US). It's a 1.4 mile (one way) hike from the trail head with an altitude gain of 1,000 feet.

"Cloudland Falls"

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