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Bright yellow flower among dark green foliage.

"Yellow Flower"

The spiral pattern in the center of a daisy or on the outside of a pine cone or pineapple can be described mathematically as a Fibonacci Number Sequence. This pattern is found many places in nature.

"Fibonacci's Flower"

A group of bright yellow mushrooms growing among the fallen leaves and branches. The bright color contrasted nicely with the dark browns of the oak leaves.

"Yellow Mushrooms"

A dried up teasel. This is a well-defended plant - you wouldn't want to walk though a field of these wearing shorts!


A group of bright yellow Black-Eyed Susans. The yellow petals stand out against the background of dark green leaves.

"Yellow Flowers"

A field of Goldenrod (Goldenrod Solidago) and Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria). Purple Loosestrife is considered an alien invader in the US. It displaces the natural wildflowers found in damp areas.

"Yellow And Purple"

Closeup view of blossoms on a blueberry bush.

"Blueberry Blossom"

This is one variety of Bearded Iris.

"Bearded Iris"

Tightly closed Iris buds in my small flower garden. The aperature setting allowed me to throw the background completely out of focus.

"Iris Buds"

An open flower and a flower bud on a lichen-covered fruit tree.

"Tree Flower"

A yellow and red tulip growing in the Friends of Horticulture Science Center at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA (US).

"Tulip #1"

A red tulip growing in the Friends of Horticulture Science Center at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA (US).

"Tulip #2"

A tulip a day or two before it opened. Taken with a diffuser to the right and a reflector to the left of the flower.

"Tulip #3"

A bright yellow iris in the garden next to my house. Taken after a morning rain.

"Yellow Iris"

These Maiden Pinks were growing in a field in Maudsley State Park in Newburyport, Massachusetts (US). The bright color against the dark green background caught my attention. They are related to carnations.

"Wild Flowers"

Flowers grow in the cracks of giant granite slabs at Halibut State Park in Rockport, Massachusetts (US).

"Hard Life"

A mixture of common New England plants in the autumn including goldenrod, aster, poison ivy, and others. Taken in a field bordering a marsh.

"Field Flowers"

Goldenrod growing through piles of boulders next to the ocean at Halibut Point State Park, Rockport, Massachusetts (US).

"Rock Garden"

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