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I was experimenting with slow shutter speeds, moving subjects, and panning to give the impression of speed.


Found on the only road to and from Plum Island, about 6 miles from Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant.

"Got KI?"

Duncan arrived on our doorstep as a very young stray four days after Hurricane Floyd swept through the area. The storm must have separated him from his family. The vet estimated that he was 5 weeks old and hadn\'t eaten in four or five days. He is now a very happy and very vocal house cat.

"Sleeping Cat"

A lone harbor seal who hauled himself onto the beach to enjoy a sunny day. The sun was setting behind the sand dunes when I took this shot. Parker River Wildlife Sanctuary, Plum Island, Newbury, Massachusetts (US).

"Harbor Seal"

A large frog quietly sitting on lily pads in small pond in Ipswich, Massachusetts (US). The frog stayed there for at least ten minutes while I took a series of pictures.

"Frog on Lily Pads"

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