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"Us And Them"

The details in a simple leaf are amazing once you start looking closely.


These are two primary flight feathers from a macaw. One side is blue and the other yellow. They were naturally shed during molting season, which explains why they aren\'t in perfect condition. What appears to be spottiness is actually wear and tear on the feathers.

"Macaw Feathers"

The spiral pattern in the center of a daisy or on the outside of a pine cone or pineapple can be described mathematically as a Fibonacci Number Sequence. This pattern is found many places in nature.

"Fibonacci's Flower"

Bright yellow flower among dark green foliage.

"Yellow Flower"

A door on an old shed. Peeling green paint reveals the older red paint. Part of Maudsley State Park in Newburyport, Massachusetts (US).

"Red Green Door"

An alert Barred Owl. This owl had been injured in the wild and is now in the care of wildlife rehabilitators.

"Barred Owl"

The sun setting behind some clouds. The edges of the clouds are brightly lit. Trees are silhouetted along the horizon. Taken in the salt marsh in Newbury, Massachusetts (US).


This Red-Tailed hawk is blind in one eye and is in the permanent care of a wildlife rehabilitator. A partially blind bird of prey could not survive in the wild.


The profile of the neck and head of a Golden Eagle.

"Golden Eagle"

A captive American Kestral sitting on its handler's hand and spreading its wings. There is a good view of the underside of the bird's wings.

"American Kestral"

One of the crawler treads from an abandoned excavator. This tread is about four feet tall.


A section of an old, weathered tree stump in the salt marsh in Newbury, Massachusetts (US).


A small slinky on a tilted gray card in the bright, noon-time sun.

"Slinky And Its Shadow"

This is an old brass faucet on the grounds of Maudsley State Park in Massachusetts. The Maudsley family donated their estate along the Merrimack River to the state for use as a park after their mansion burned to the ground many years ago.

"Brass Faucet"

This is a small part of an old rock wall on the grounds of Maudsley State Park in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

"Stone Wall"

The water strider is working its way across the picture. The real subject is the reflections on the ripples caused by the strider's passage.

"Water Strider Reflections"

The trees were bent over by the weight of snow and ice. The bright bark of these trees stood out from the dark woods in the background.

"Trees Bowing To The Elements"

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