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Ron's Old Site

A small wooden bowl inside a larger wooden bowl. Halogen light bounced off ceiling. Custom white balance set in camera. Hot spots burnt out in Photoshop.

"Bowl Within Bowl"

A small ridge in the snow formed by a steady wind. This was near sunset, so the sun was at a very low angle

"Snow Ridge"

A snow covered stump in a field. The stump has been here for many years and is very weathered. I took this after sunset, hence the long exposure. Adjusted levels to make the snow white. Some sharpening and cropping.

"Snow Stump"

A small rock with veins of another color running through it. Laying on a beach among many rocks rounded by the pounding waves. Camera was on a tripod and the color balance was set to

"Beach Rock"

A young child sledding down a large hill after a snowstorm. He was obviously having a lot of fun. This just before sunset and the sun was low behind some trees.

"To Be A Child In Winter"

Bright yellow autumn leaves.

"Yellow Canopy"

The Boston-bound train lumbering past me through the fog. This is about a 2 second exposure.

"Fog Train II"

Commuter train on the way to Boston through the fog on New Year's Eve. A few seconds later, I took this shot of the same train.

"Fog Train"

The curve of the beach grass echos the curves of the settling snow. Taken on the beach at Plum Island, Massachusetts (US) in the early evening. The dim conditions account for the blueish color of the snow and helped the lines stand out more.

"Snow and Grass Curves"

The Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown, Massachusetts (US), was erected to commemorate the landing of the English Pilgrims in the New World.

"The Tower"

The Marsh Trail portion of the Hellcat Trail in the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island in Massachusetts (US). This time of year, the reeds in the salt marsh are almost already black and white.


Detail of a copper candle holder.

"Copper Tendril"

Fallen autumn leaf on a damp stone.

"Yellow Leaf on Rock"

A dried up teasel. This is a well-defended plant - you wouldn't want to walk though a field of these wearing shorts!


A door on a 17th century house in Saugus, Massachusetts (US). This is on the site of the Saugus Iron Works, the first iron foundry in North America.

"Red Door"

The sun shining through autumn leaves. I liked the colors and the shadows of one leaf in front of another


I liked the silhouette against the bright glare off the water. Taken on the Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts (US).


A small plant just starting out. It is growing at the base of a lichen-covered pine tree in the Beech Forest at the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts (US). Even though the plan was only a few inches tall, it already had autumn colors.

"Starting Out"

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