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Ron's Old Site

A dead leaf hanging from thin, twisted branches.

"Hanging Leaf"

A dead leaf caught on its way to the ground by thin, intertwined branches.

"Brown Leaf on Branch"

An autumn leaf resting in a hole in a fallen log. The colors and textures of the leaf and log are some of my favorite scenes in the forest.

"Red Leaf and Hole"

Small birch trees next to a wetland colored by autumn.


Nature slowly reclaims this tree in the Rowley-Georgetown State Forest in Massachusetts (US). The colors and textures of the decaying wood and the lichen caught my interest.

"Slow Decay"

A colorful scene in the salt marsh in Rowley, Massachusetts (US) about 15 minutes after the sun set. The tide was going out, so the tidal pools were not full. The flowers silhouetted in the foreground are Goldenrod.

"Marsh Sunset"

A milkweed seed pod beginning to split open and distribute its seeds. The slightest breeze can carry these seeds far from the parent plant.

"The Future"

An autumn leaf from a tulip tree laying on a decaying log in the woods. The tulip tree, also known as the yellow poplar, is known for having a tall, straight trunk which used to be used for the masts of sailing ships.

"Autumn Tulip-Tree Leaf"

A young grasshopper (notice the underdeveloped wings) sitting on a blade of autumn grass.

"Young Grasshopper"

A mixture of common New England plants in the autumn including goldenrod, aster, poison ivy, and others. Taken in a field bordering a marsh.

"Field Flowers"

A leaf from a Sumac tree in the early fall. Other leaves on the tree will turn bright red as the weather cools down.

"Autumn Leaf"

Bright, early-autumn leaf on an old, decaying log.

"Colorful Decay"

Flowers grow in the cracks of giant granite slabs at Halibut State Park in Rockport, Massachusetts (US).

"Hard Life"

A very small, wet feather lying on the coarse sand on Plum Island, Massachusetts (US).

"Feather on Sand"

These Maiden Pinks were growing in a field in Maudsley State Park in Newburyport, Massachusetts (US). The bright color against the dark green background caught my attention. They are related to carnations.

"Wild Flowers"

A large frog quietly sitting on lily pads in small pond in Ipswich, Massachusetts (US). The frog stayed there for at least ten minutes while I took a series of pictures.

"Frog on Lily Pads"

Many ferns surround two young trees in the woods.


A bright yellow iris in the garden next to my house. Taken after a morning rain.

"Yellow Iris"

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