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A small slinky on a tilted gray card in the bright, noon-time sun.

"Slinky And Its Shadow"

A section of an old, weathered tree stump in the salt marsh in Newbury, Massachusetts (US).


These are two primary flight feathers from a macaw. One side is blue and the other yellow. They were naturally shed during molting season, which explains why they aren\'t in perfect condition. What appears to be spottiness is actually wear and tear on the feathers.

"Macaw Feathers"

The details in a simple leaf are amazing once you start looking closely.


This is the stem of a fancy wine glass lying on its side. The blue reflection is a small


Found on the only road to and from Plum Island, about 6 miles from Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant.

"Got KI?"

Small round rock on the coarse sand of Cape Cod, Massachusetts (US) near sunset. Camera supported by a tripod.

"Coarse Sand, Round Rock"

Detail of a copper candle holder.

"Copper Tendril"

A small ridge in the snow formed by a steady wind. This was near sunset, so the sun was at a very low angle

"Snow Ridge"



Closeup of a spinning ferris wheel at night at the Topsfield Fair in Topsfield, Massachusetts (US). The long exposure made interesting light trails.

"Ferris Closeup"

Ice in the salt marsh in Newbury, Massachusetts (US). The tide constantly raises and lowers the water level in the marsh. This causes the ice to break up and refreeze. This piece of ice is 3-4 feet tall.

"Marsh Ice"

A closeup look at the scales on a butterfly\'s wings. I found the abstract patterns and colors to be very interesting. The full size version and the print have much more detail.


A leaf from a Sumac tree in the early fall. Other leaves on the tree will turn bright red as the weather cools down.

"Autumn Leaf"

Closeup of the water running through Lower Ammonoosuc Falls in New Hampshire (US).

"Rushing Water"

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